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Data Privacy Statement

General Data Protection Regulation states we need to inform you all regarding the use and
storage of your personal data.

The club maintains a membership list of all present members and those who have not
renewed up to 12 months after renewal is due. The list comprises of titles, forenames,
surnames, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and affix. The list is stored as a
database and is securely held in an encrypted online cloud and a password protected
computer. The list is only used for club purposes to maintain a register of members and
produce mailing labels for club use only. The list is only accessed by the secretary and
treasurer of the Midland Bedlington Terrier Club and may be made available to the Kennel
Club if required. The list is created from membership forms received from members, these
forms are securely stored for up to 2 years, then they are shredded or incinerated.

Data received with entry forms is used for the club to check entries and the compilation of
catalogues. Paper forms received may be shared with the printers and are securely stored for
up to 2 years and then shredded or incinerated. Electronic forms received may be shared with
the printers and are securely stored in an encrypted online cloud for up to 2 years.
Show Catalogues will be kept in the club archives.

Members have the right to request to see their personal information stored by the club and/or
to have information erased. Requests must be made in writing to the secretary.

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