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Our first event to celebrate the clubs 60th birthday!
Open Show
24th February 2024

The 16 Class Open Show will be judged by Miss Sarah Collier


Please support the club with your entries.

Members, remember the more entries made the more possible points for the members trophy.


Spectators are very welcome.

Spectator Dogs are £2.00, please pay & complete a form at the secretaries table.


During the lunch break we will have our popular 'Have A Go' Class and a Junior Handling Class (16 years & under), 

Entry fees for these classes are only £1.00 and will be donated to the Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation.

Entries taken on the day.  More details are in the schedule.

Come and have some fun!


All exhibitors will receive a 60th celebration gift.



The AGM will follow after completion of the show.


Click on the front cover to open the full Schedule as a pdf.

If you would like a printed schedule sent in the post ,

please send a stamped self addressed envelope to the secretary.

The Entry Form can be downloaded by clicking the form below. This can be completed and either posted to the secretary or emailed, full details are on the form.

Online entry is available by clicking here to go to the Entry Form page. 

For emailed & online forms we will send you an invoice to make payment by either bank transfer or by online card payment.

Plus if we have to cancel due to government notice, all fees will be refunded in full.


entry form image.png

Please note, pre-ordered catalogues must be collected at the show.




who very generously continue to sponsor this show.


Click on the flyer to go to the Platinum website.

Entries taken at the secretaries table during the morning,

£1 per entry, entry fees to be donated to Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation.



Class A: ‘Have A Go Handling’ - For handlers of all ages who have never won a class at a KC

licenced Open or Championship Show,

any Bedlington can be entered as the handler is being judged not the dog.


Class B: Junior Handling Class - For all young handlers up to and including 16 years old. 

Any Bedlington can be handled as the handler is judged not the dog.


If you don’t have a Bedlington but would like to join in the fun,

many owners will happily lend you a Bedlington to compete.


ROSETTES and PRIZES offered for 5 places in each class

PLEASE NOTE these classes are totally separate to the main show, dogs beaten in the lunchtime classes are NOT considered beaten dogs in the open show.


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