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Breed Appreciation Day


MCE, Group Mentoring & A list Hands on Assessments 


Sunday 2nd March 2025


West Hall, KC Building, Stoneleigh Park, CV8 2LZ.

Please note we have no further space for A list hands on assessment, or Group Mentoring

Do you want to learn more about the breed and how to interpret the breed standard?

Our Speaker for the breed talk is experienced owner, breeder and Championship Show Judge,
Mrs Viv Rainsbury.

The aim of this BAD is to provide an in-depth understanding of the breed and guidance as to the interpretation of the breed standard. For judges wishing to progress in their judging career (JEP & Traditional route), also aspiring judges, owners and breeders.

We support judges who have an interest in our breed and will judge with integrity.


The day will include:

- BAD breed presentation - open to all, whether established judges, aspiring or novice judges, or people who simply wish to learn more about the Bedlington Terrier

- Question & Answer Session with a panel of Championship Show Judges


- Multiple Choice Examination (MCE) for established judges at JEP Level 1

Group Mentoring session for judges at JEP Level 2


- A List Hands On Assessments  for judges progressing through the traditional judging route

Tea, coffee, cakes and lunch provided for all.

To download the information sheet and booking form, click on the button

Please send completed booking forms to the organiser or alternatively you can comeplete the online booking form below

Please note we have no further space for A list hands on assessment, or Group Mentoring

Online BAD/Seminar Booking Form
Select one option

Please make sure you meet the Kennel Club eligibility criteria for the session you wish to book.


A : BAD Breed Talk

For established judges, novice and aspiring judges and all people interested in learning about the breed

B : BAD talk + MCE

Judges at JEP level 1 or above

C : BAD + MCE + Group Mentoring

Judges at JEP level 2 or above

D : A List Hands on Assessment only

For those who are not attending the breed talk

E : BAD + A List Hands on Assessment

F : BAD + MCE + A List Hands on Assessment

  • Judges at JEP Level 1 or above

A, B & C are for those following the Judges Educaiton Program route (JEP)

D, E & F are for those following the traditional judging route and Grandfathering rights

Options C, D, E & F are fully subscribed


Please note

JEP Level 1 judges who pass the MCE may join the Group Mentoring session if space is available on the day for £5.00

Candidates with recognised educational needs, disabilities and temporary physical injuries may request access arrangements for the Multiple-choice Breed Standard Exam. Access arrangements can include applying for assistance from an ‘independent person’, to act as a reader/scribe/interpreter. Access arrangement requests should be made to the organiser at least 4 weeks in advance of the event

Your form has been submitted!

©2025 Midland Bedlington Terrier Club.

United Kingdom.

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